Thursday, January 08, 2009

Talking at FOSDEM (7-8 februari, MySQL Room)


I just got word that the proposals I submitted for FOSDEM are appoved! I was going to go to FOSDEM no matter what, and when I saw Lenz Grimmer's call for participation, I decided to give it a go.

I'll be doing two talks:

  • MySQL Plugins - Learn about this exciting MySQL 5.1 feature

  • Starring Sakila - A datawarhousing and Business Intelligence mini-tutorial using the Sakila sample database

Having the opportunity to do these talks adds to the fun, and I feel honored for being given the chance. Thank you!

This year, Fosdem looks very promising for the MySQL crowd. Lenz himself is doing a talk on MySQL HA solutions, and this year, MySQL even has a Developer's room too (on Sunday, Februari 8). Check out the tentative schedule for the MySQL room here. I will probably hang out all day in the MySQL dev room to see all the talks. Although all of them seem interesting to me, there are three talks I'd like to highlight:

The talks by Kris Buytaert (MySQL monitoring) and Geert Vanderkelen (MySQL Cluster) should be good too. I just pitched the ones that seem likely to contain stuff that's mostly new to me.

So, see you there at FOSDEM!! I''m looking forward to meet you there, and have a trappiste or two...after that I usually lose count anyway ;)

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