Thursday, October 02, 2008

MySQL 5.1 Cluster Certification Guide online Preview!


I just read Martin "MC" Brown's blog announcing that a number of chapters are now available online for preview.

Personally, I think this is a good move. I think the online chapters provide a nice insight what the book is like. I can ensure you that there is lots and lots more to see in the other chapters. I can honestly and without reservation recommend this book to everybody that wants to read a recent reference book on MySQL Cluster, and those that want to obtain the 5.1 Cluster DBA certification exam in particular.

Now it must be noted that I am a co-author for this book, and author of the MySQL 5.1 Cluster DBA exam so my recommendations are hardly objective. However, I don't receive any royalties for the book (or for the exams) - my contributions were just part of my time working with MySQL AB. So, when I say that MC Brown is right when he says that:
...there is only one guide that you need, the MySQL 5.1 Cluster DBA Certification Study Guide
then I mean that sincerely - this is the book you'll want. Pick up your copy here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Book not available.

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