Monday, August 15, 2011

Proposals for Codebits.EU

Codebits is an annual 3-day conference about software and, well, code. It's organized by SAPO and this year's edition is to be held on November 10 thru 12 at the Pavilhão Atlântico, Sala Tejo in Lisbon, Portugal.

I've never attended SAPO Codebits before, but I heard good things about it from Datacharmer Giuseppe Maxia. The interesting thing about the way this conference is organized is that all proposals are available to the public, which can also vote for the proposals. This year's proposals are looking very interesting already, with high quality proposals from Giuseppe about database replication with Tungsten replicator, Pentaho's chief of data integration Matt Casters about Kettle (aka Pentaho data integration), and Pedro Alves from webdetails who will be talking about "Big Data" analysis and dashboarding work he did for the Mozilla team.

There are many more interesting talks, and you should simply check out the proposals for yourself and give a thumbs up or a thumbs down according to whether you'd like see a particular proposal at the conference. I decided to send in a few proposals as well:So, if you like what you see here, take a minute to vote and shape this codebits conference. I'm hoping to meet you there!


Giuseppe Maxia said...

Thanks Roland!
It is not only open voting. It is also competitive innovation.

rpbouman said...

Giuseppe, thanks!

Yes, I completely missed that part of it. I guess the home page could make that a bit more clear. But I'm happy to hear this, it sounds like a really interesting event! :)

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