Thursday, December 13, 2007

Arnold Daniels' lib_mysqludf_xql featured on MySQL devzone

Wohoo! Jon Stephens just published an excellent article on the possibilities for working with XML and MySQL on the MySQL devzone!

I'm very proud that he chose to highlight the lib_mysqludf_xql library of MySQL User Defined functions authored by Arnold Daniels. Some time ago, Arnold joined the MySQL UDF Repository and so far he's been the most active member of the group.

Arnold also took the initiative to set up a new website for the MySQL UDF Repository, and we will soon move all content and libraries from the old location to the new site. (The main reason it hasn't happened yet is all due to me - i need to make time to move the old content to the new site).

If you want to discuss lib_mysqludf_xql or if you want to joint the UDF repository, sponsor our work or contribute in any other way, just go to our google group and post your questions.

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