Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Did you know that....: Custom Graphs in MySQL Administrator

Here's a quick tip to make a custom Graph in MySQL Administrator.

MySQL Administrator can be separately installed from the MySQL GUI Tool Bundle. Oh yeah, did you know that finding and reporting bugs in the GUI tools might win you an iPOD?

Now, about that tip: it's a documented feature, but not well known nonetheless.

Click the "Health" item in the left sidebar, and choose one of the tab pages:

Once you've opened the page, the right-click is your friend in many ways. Just right-click inside the frame enclosing the graphs to add a new graph. A right-click directly above the horizontal line to add an entire new tab page.

Simply right-click inside a graph to invoke a little menu. From there, you can edit the existing graph:



Anonymous said...

Yeah, I like this feature too. This was sort of what I was aiming after with the G feature in innotop, but I never got that working to my satisfaction. Text-mode just doesn't cut it for something like this.

Anonymous said...

I want to monitor DB performance resource on MySQL but I don't know how to customize "Value Formula" on "Graph Setting" (I use MySQL Administrator tool).

Could you please help to show me how to do it?

I list out below Metric I used on MS SQL Server and now I want to use the same on MySQL.

- Connection on the DB monitoring (Number of connections, Idle connections, Idle connections in transaction, Active connections ...)
- Cache Hit Rate Ratio
- Queue Evolution
- SQLServer: Buffer Manager – Page life expectancy
- SQLServer: General Statistics – User Connections
- SQLServer: Memory Manager – Memory Grants Pending
- SQLServer: SQL Statistics – Batch Requests/sec
- SQLServer: SQL Statistics – Compilations/sec
- SQLServer: SQL Statistics – Recompilations/sec
- System – Processor Queue Length

Any your help/advice is highly appreciated.

rpbouman said...


sorry but this has been ages for me. I didn't even know Administrator was still alive. Really, ask you question at the MySQL forums.

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